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Also known as "Scholarly Articles," "Peer-Reviewed Articles," or "Academic Articles," these are:
  • Written and reviewed by scholars and provide new research, analysis, or information about a specific topic.
  • Usually focused on a narrow subject or a single case study
  • Intended for an academic audience


The following databases are a good place to find information on the field of English literature.

 Unlike journal articles, scholarly books:
  •  Are written on a broader, general subject
  •   May contain a collection of related chapters by different authors
  •   Contain less recent information
Remember: you may only need to read one chapter of a scholarly book!



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Selected English & Writing Websites

Modern language Association (MLA) – A leading advocate for the study and teaching of languages and literatures, serving as a clearinghouse for professional resources for teachers and scholars.

General Writing from Purdue OWL - These resources will help you with the writing process: pre-writing (invention), developing research questions and outlines, composing thesis statements, and proofreading

Romantic Circles – A refereed scholarly Website devoted to the study of Romantic-period literature and culture.

The Society for the Study of the Multi-Ethnic Literature of the United States (MELUS) – Promotes the study and teaching of Latino, Native American, African American, Asian and Pacific American, and ethnically specific Euro-American literary works, their authors, and their cultural contexts.

KU Gunn Center for the Study of Science Fiction – Resources for SF literary scholars.

American Comparative Literature Association – Founded in 1960, the ACLA seeks to promote “the study of intercultural relations that cross national boundaries, multicultural relations within a particular society, and the interactions between literature and other forms of human activity, including the arts, the sciences, philosophy, and cultural artifacts of all kinds.”

Luminarium – An Anthology of English Literature – Not fully comprehensive but a nice selection of resources from the Medieval, Renaissance, 17th Century, Restoration & 18th Century, the 19th Century as well as a small subsection of contemporary women writers.