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Also known as "Scholarly Articles," "Peer-Reviewed Articles," or "Academic Articles," these are:
  • Written and reviewed by scholars and provide new research, analysis, or information about a specific topic.
  • Usually focused on a narrow subject or a single case study
  • Intended for an academic audience


The following databases are a good place to find information on the field of management


Search  only The Wall Street Journal by putting the title in the second search field in ProQuest Newspapers.

 Unlike journal articles, scholarly books:
  •  Are written on a broader, general subject
  •   May contain a collection of related chapters by different authors
  •   Contain less recent information
Remember: you may only need to read one chapter of a scholarly book!



To find books and e-books using OneSearch, on the results page check the box on the left-hand side of the page that says 
Select Management Websites

Alliance for Nonprofit Management -Click on the Resources link to access this organization's online library, much of it downloadable for free.

DiversityInc -One of the top sources of information on diversity management, this website publishes articles on best practices for diversity management, diversity facts, and an annual list of the 50 top companies for diversity.

Free Management Library -Divided into different subject categories, this website provides access to a vast amount of information related to management and leadership in large, small, for profit, and non profit companies and enterprises. Content suggested by community members.

Wall Street Journal: Management -The management section of the Wall Street Journal.


Select Management Professional Organizations

Academy of Management (AOM) Worldwide organization founded in 1936 devoted to management and organizations scholars and practitioners. Provides members with networking opportunities, career placement services, resources and other publications.

American Management Association (AMA) -The website of the United States' premier management association offers a wealth of information for both AMA members and non-members alike. Free access is provided to AMA research, newsletters, and their online library, including articles from MWorld, the AMA's quarterly journal.

Project Management Institute (PMI) -Professional organization for project managers. Members get access to networking and professional resources. Some resources are freely available. Find more from the local chapter Project Management Institute: Mass Bay Chapter including local events. Students currently enrolled in a degree granting program may be eligible for a discounted rate.

Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) -The largest society of HR Professionals worldwide, with members from more than 165 countries, the Society for Human Resource Management provides resources for human resource management professionals with information on various topics and tools to use in the field.

Society for Information Management (SIM) -National society for IT management leaders since 1969. Provides various news and publications as well as events and networking.

Strategic Management Society (SMS) -Founded in 1981, the Strategic Management Society contains members from over 80 countries. Publishes multiple academic journals for scholars and professionals dedicated to strategic management study and practice.