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Also known as "Scholarly Articles," "Peer-Reviewed Articles," or "Academic Articles," these are:
  • Written and reviewed by scholars and provide new research, analysis, or information about a specific topic.
  • Usually focused on a narrow subject or a single case study
  • Intended for an academic audience


The following databases are a good place to find information on the field of accounting and finance.

Use ERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Professional Development Collection and 

Teacher Reference Center for Music Education research.

 Unlike journal articles, scholarly books:
  •  Are written on a broader, general subject
  •   May contain a collection of related chapters by different authors
  •   Contain less recent information
Remember: you may only need to read one chapter of a scholarly book!



To find books and e-books using OneSearch, on the results page check the box on the left-hand side of the page that says 
Select Music Websites

MusRef (Brigham Young University) – MusRef, “a portal from the music library at Brigham Young University, includes an online bibliography of reference sources for music, both print and online, as well as guides for getting started with music reference sources.” This website also compiles an extensive collection of web links of free information on this topic from throughout the globe.

Digital Resources for Musicology – A site which provides links to open-access projects of use to the study of music and related topics. As there are thousands of sites with digital resources, keeping track of these resources is a challenge. “Digital Resources in Musicology (DRM) is organized topically and provides a rapid search tool for specialties within heterogeneous collections.”

American Musicological Society – Musicology Links – The AMS founded in 1934 1934 as a non-profit organization seeks to advance scholarly research in many fields of music to advance an understanding of the role and importance of music in our world. This may include research, scholarship, and teaching. This site has hundreds of links for various fields of musicological topics.

The Society for Ethnomusicology Website links – “The Society for Ethnomusicology was founded in 1955 to promote the research, study, and performance of music in all historical periods and cultural contexts.” This link has breakouts for a diverse set of resources.

Library of Congress Performing Arts databases links – From the Library of congress with links for various collections in the performing arts.

RISM – “The Répertoire International des Sources Musicales (RISM) is an international, non-profit organization with the aim of comprehensively documenting extant musical sources anywhere in the world.”